A film by Darien Sills-Evansby j. brotherlove
X-Patriots is an entertaining and thought-provoking debut written, produced, and directed by Darien Sills-Evans.
The anxious plot examines romantic and interpersonal relationships, desire, sexual politics, and self-identity. Manny (often over-acted by Bobby Lyle) is a black American living in the Netherlands with his white Dutch wife who supports them. At 27, his life is anything but the artistic dream he envisioned. In a last ditch attempt to do something “creative”, he convinces his adversarial former New York roommate, Dexter, to visit and help him write a one-man show.
Once Dexter arrives, Manny’s other crutches - infidelity and sexual politics - become fodder for Dexter and also begin to spiral out of control. After meeting a beautiful black Dutch woman, Dexter has his own challenges, grappling with desire and what it truly means to be black in another country, as well as America.
There are a few awkwardly delivered monologues but, for the most part, X-Patriots has a deft screenplay, replete with dry, biting humor and some standout lines (mostly delivered by Dexter). The ensemble cast, with the exception of Lyle, is also promising. Catch it if you can.

Always got a good taste of movies huh?
Yup, I’m sho seein this one.
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