Two Black, Two Strong
PBS profiles Chisholm and slaveryby j. brotherlove
Eight days into Black History Month and this is my first reference to it. I’ll happily skip a rant on how Black History is really American history; I trust anyone reading this website already knows that.
Firstly, I’d forgotten how fascinating it was to watch Shirley Chisholm in action. Not satisfied with becoming the first black woman elected to Congress, she also became the first black and first woman to “seriously” run for president.
PBS is currently airing Unbought And Unbossed, a documentary on her legendary and revolutionary campaign. There’s some good footage including a scene where, after losing the Democratic nomination, Chisholm breaks down before telling her constituents not to give up the fight. I’m unsure with how we’re doing with that request, however.
Also, in case you never watch PBS (and shame on you if you don’t), their 4-part series Slavery and the Making of America, looks to be pretty fantastic. The series focuses on slavery “as an integral part of a developing nation, challenging the long held notion that slavery was exclusively a Southern enterprise.”
Legalized slavery (versus the institutionalized version that still rears its head on the regular) is a dark period in American history we prefer to gloss over but, producer Dante J. James states:
“African Americans have the right and, armed with the necessary knowledge, can take pride in the way that enslaved people maintained, as best they could, their families, their spirituality, developed a new culture, brought new technology to this country and were an essential element in this nation becoming the economic and culture power that it is today.”
Exactly. The series is narrated by Morgan Freeman and starts tomorrow so, don’t forget to set your TIVO or VCR. I’ll likely buy the companion book and DVD collection. Or you can do it for me; there are only three full weeks left before my birthday, you know.
OK, I have to ask. When is your birthday? Feb. 20th here, so yours must be close to mine.
“Only three full weeks until my birthday…” Dang…March is right around the corner. That’s kind of scary. Not ‘cause it’s your birthday, but because time sure is flying.
Great to see this post…I had just been making sure I knew what time Slavery and the Making of America was coming on. Gotta DVR that.