Tuned Into Current TV
Compelling micro-contentby j. brotherlove
One of my current (heh) obsessions is Current TV, the cable/satellite channel that allows viewers to upload video to its website and allow viewers to vote on whether or not it’s aired.
This Viewer Created Content (VC2) makes up about a third of the station’s programming, called pods. The pods rotate every so often with no real schedule.
The idea is that whenever you turn on the station, you are bound to see something you haven’t seen before. Unfortunately, I think I accidentally cracked the programming logarithm. I’ve caught several pods at least three times.
It’s a dream for anyone with a short attention span (like yours truly). In fact, the more I watch Current TV, the more I realize that this is the direction MTV should pursue more heavily. How many episodes of Real World/Road Rules Challenge and My Super Sweet 16 can one person watch?
The variety of subjects in the pods on Current TV are pretty wide with a healthy dose of environmental concerns, social injustice, independent artists and gay-friendly content. These are intercut with news and Google search lists. Here are a few pods I’ve found interesting:
Transsexuality in Iran
In one of the strictest Islamic societies, transgendered Iranian youth are finding a voice.
The Sideshow
A look at the late night underground car scene called “Sideshows” in Oakland, California.
My Space Modeling
Janice Dickinson uses MySpace as a virtual casting center for her new modeling agency.
A personal look at the life of River, a transgendered male.
Amaya’s Cleanse
Amaya visits a nutritionist and decides to get a colonic.
Miss Prissy
Miss Prissy, the Queen of Krump, teaches the basics of Krumpin’, the hip hop dance movement.
Scott Austin
A+R exec Scott Austin talks about what makes a great find for Maverick Records.
Harlem Gay Ball 2006
The modern-day Ball Scene in Harlem is featured.

I’ve never warmed to that channel. They used to be World News International, a news channel I enjoyed out of Canada, but they apparently were bought and transformed into Current.