Remy, Raphael & The Rest
Ugh! Remy Shand is on V-103 this morning and Frank Ski keeps playing cuts and saying: “You’re hearing it first on V-103”. Yeah, okay, Frank……by j. brotherlove
Ugh! Remy Shand is on V-103 this morning and Frank Ski keeps playing cuts and saying: “You’re hearing it first on V-103”. Yeah, okay, Frank… I’m not trying to diss Remy. He’s very talented and the CD is sweet (not as sweet as Lathun’s, though). However, so are a lot of other artists and I’m a “share the wealth” kind of guy. Puff, puff, pass.
Yesterday, I stopped through Vibes, Music and More (my favorite music supplier), and got into the following music discussions:
Here’s some Raphael gossip:
Reportedly, Kimora Simmons and bodyguard were riding the elevator to an afterparty. When the doors opened, Raphael was on the other side. Kimora exited and began walking toward VIP. Raphael entered, pissed:
Raphael: “Oh! It’s like that, Kimora, huh? You ain’t gonna speak?”
Kimora: “It’s not like that, Raphael. I didn’t see you.”
Raphael (angrily pushing buttons): “Yeah, whatever. Whatever.”