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Maya / Art & Activism

Now that Dr. Maya Angelou has settled this controversy, she can get back to promoting the latest and last installment of her biography. Maya Angelou…

by j. brotherlove

Now that Dr. Maya Angelou has settled this controversy, she can get back to promoting the latest and last installment of her biography.

Maya Angelou was on Between The Lines a couple of weeks ago and her stories about Martin and Malcolm were more than informative; they were entertaining. Then again, listening to Maya Angelou read her shopping list would be entertaing to me. But, I digress…

I like hearing accounts of historical legends from the people who interacted with them on a social level. It helps me to know that the lives of these figures weren’t always deadly serious. Listening to Dr. Angelou speak of attending parties and whooping it up with Langston Hughes and her “brother” James Baldwin reminded me how instrumental homosexuals have been in the simultaneous propagation of African American culture and civil rights. I like the conscious combination of art and activism because they balance each other. Activists feed purpose and artists feed inspiration. Goody, goody.

I’m inspired by watching Juicy (been a long time since I’ve typed that name) work. And Prime’s ascension in activism is even more exciting. Yet, I’m not completely comfortable in that skin; that… activist skin. Even so, I like to think that my frequent socially conscious comments and artistic hullabaloo contribute to The Cause somehow.

pub: 05/17/2002 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 4 | subscribe

Yeah, it’s been a long time since i seen that movie.. I remember when she refused to be all taunted around with those young white girls disrespecting her stepmom because she wouldnt do nothing but sing.

I guess you want to write your own biography someday?

Now what makes you think my life would make a good biography? LOL

I’ve thought about it. But, I’m more interested in fiction. I haven’t decided if I will commit to a full-length novel or compile a collection of short stories like urbanerotica.


Essex Hemphill… his work is bootay-fool.

I recently had the pleasure of seeing Maya Angelou do the commencement speech at the Univ. of IL (Champaign). She is was magnificent as always. Her impact on people is amazing.