Krazy Kravitz
Is Lenny getting loopy?by j. brotherlove
I’m all for breaking out of one’s comfort zone and exploring possibilities howsoever… what is Lenny Kravitz going through? The former funky, rock & roll, Black/Jew outsider with cascading dreads has changed his hair from low & nappy to pimp perm to lowcut natural all in like… a couple of months? And then there are the videos with JayZ, commercials for Target, more commercials for The Gap…
I’ve been a big fan of Lenny Kravitz since Let Love Rule. Despite being somewhat precious, he’s extremely talented and puts on a rockin’ show. And it goes without saying that he’s a sexy mother-shutyourmouth. Although, any guy who shows off his ass or has his nipples pierced gets my immediate attention - especially if they’re straight.
As I see it, things got shaky with the release of 5 - I mean, what was that all about? I’ve failed to purchase anything newer by Lenny although, I’m tempted to cop Baptism.
Oh now I get it! Baptism as in rebirth, right? Why didn’t he just tell me?

Ahh, Lenny. I like his older stuff, too. Newer stuff is touch and go. I bought one of his newer albums (a couple of years ago), and sold it back to the used CD store. I wouldn’t mind buying some of his stuff used. I couldn’t bear to pay close to $20 for “touch and go.”
But you almost want to buy his stuff just ‘cause he IS so damn fine. *lol*
yeah.. i was NOT diggin’ the pimp perm AT ALL. but the low cut natural is suiting him well.
i bought baptism, and listened to it once. considering i’ve been buying his cds since day 1, it’s surprising that i haven’t bothered to listen to it again. i guess i just wasn’t that impressed with it. i’ll give it another shot… soon.
but my first advice to you with regard to baptism (and it’s rare of me to say this about a lenny album) is, save your money.
see, i’m the opposite. i didn’t get into lenny until 5 which to me is pure genius. since then i’ve traveled back to some of his old stuff and have even purchased his newer stuff, but i still find myself listening to 5 saying this is it. this is what i like about him.
selfish maybe. but then again it is my world.
(just kiddin’)