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Julia & Erika

Okay. How come I thought Julia Stiles and Erika Christensen were the same person?…

by j. brotherlove

Okay. How come I thought Julia Stiles and Erika Christensen were the same person?

pub: 09/10/2002 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 6 | subscribe

You are not alone …

Yesterday at work a co-worker thought this one guy who happens to model for Azzure Denim was Eric Benet … I laughed.

Or am I the only who thought Holly Robinson-Peete, Terry Ellis and Shaun Robinson were related and not telling the world?

Exactly. Actually, I think Holly and Terry are good girlfriends now because of the likeness.

Incidentally, I’ve ben spinning Southern Gal, lately, while driving XL’s car. Creepy.

I believe your right … If my memory serves me correctly — I recall Holly Robinson-Peete and Terry Ellis on Oprah years ago talking about their friendship.

Because they look alike. I seriously thought the same thing. When I saw Traffic I thought it was Julia Stiles that was in it but then I saw “O” and I was like…umm…wait a minute. But I think Julia Stiles is sexier. Or maybe it’s just that dancing on the tabletops and co-starring with black dudes thing lol…

*lol* i never thought of that, but you’re right. :)

*longing for a comment-editing feature* i mean, you’re not right…they’re not the same person…but, uhhh, you know what i mean.