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I Want My Jengo TV

LGBT of Color Media Network

by j. brotherlove

There may be a dearth of black gay characters on major networks, but the past couple of years has given us plenty of independent film and video like Brother To Brother, Noah’s Arc, The DL Chronicles, The Reception, Ski Trip and many others. It’s become clear that we have to do for self.


JengoTV - A LGBT of Color Media Network plans to highlight this type of work as well as other non-gay entertainment. Jengo TV was created from “the overwhelming response and popularity of Inside Blast, an LGBT of color news and entertainment show created in February 2006.”

Currently, their website showcases trailers of major films as well as shorts like Did I Just Look At Her; interviews with Nick Cannon, Anthony David and Clarence Nero (author of Three Sides To Every Story); clips from Debra A Wilson’s Butch Mystique and Jumpin’ The Broom; and music videos by Hanifah Walidah (whose jammin’ “Move With Me” finally debuts on LOGO’s New, Now, Next on Sunday (December 3).

I’ll be keeping an eye on Jengo TV as it develops. Collaborations like that and Code Z (a webzine that highlights black artists who “push boundaries and push buttons”) give me hope that we are moving in the right direction.

pub: 11/29/2006 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 0 | subscribe

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