Another Lost Weekend
I’m gonna miss j. brotherlove
A more accurate title would be “Last Lost Weekend”. After this Sunday it’s back to hitting the books, signing up clients and attempting to psyche myself out of the “Birthday Blues” which are likely to hit on or about my birthday (March 4, for those keeping score or feeling generous). I’ve already begun boosting my alcohol tolerance.
And now, my Top Artists for the week of Feb 19 to Feb 26, 2006:

A past-and-present sort of week by the look of things. Lots of vintage music by Teena Marie, Fleetwood Mac and The Police – balanced by newer Quintessence, Two Banks of Four and Joi (mostly “I’m So Famous”). Not too shabby. Overall, I listened to 151 different artists, 490 unique tracks and totaled 600 plays. Those numbers don’t include music played on my iPod. I’m looking into correcting that.
I find I listen to my music on global random more often than not. Is this unusual? A good reason for that at the moment is I’m not really ga-ga over any one particular artist or CD. Hit me with some recommendations if you will, and change my mind.

Most of my music comes from my random shuffling of the iTunes at home or listening to my iPod and updating it through
y’all know how I do. Although about once a week I spend the day listening to radio rather than my usual iPod obsessions.