All Aboard The Soul Boat
Satirizing bad black filmby j. brotherlove
One of my more endearing qualities is the ability to jump from one subject to another triggered by a word, a past memory, something in my periphery, or nothing at all. And by “endearing” I mean completely frustrating for the person talking to me.
A discussion about Jill Scott’s new album (which I love) led to her role in Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married? which reminded me of my crush on Richard T. Jones who appears in his underwear in the otherwise reprehensible Soul Plane which is so bad you’d swear it was a skit Robert Townsend wrote for Hollywood Shuffle which in turn reminded me of the “Soul Boat” video episode by The Message at This Just In. I hope you followed all that.
In case you haven’t seen “Soul Boat”, the setup and video are after the jump.
Soul Boat Setup
We know what you’re thinking. How do horrible movies like “Soul Plane” and “Who’s Your Caddy” get made in the first place? The Message brings you the answer thanks to one insider’s whistle-blowing account.
My favorite scene occurs halfway through when JaMarcus, the Token Gay Guy, delivers his over-the-top monologue with thinly-veiled disgust. It pretty much embodies every gay character portrayed in a black movie.
Soul Boat Video
“I got pigtails. I can’t just wear an afro like regular black people. No I gotta be super gay black people. Cause that’s what gay black people do. We love boys!”
I swear the folk from The Message should have their own tv show. At the very least, a channel on Joost. Unfortunately, The Message is dead.

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