You Can Do It, Baby
Much like the way Joshua held out, I also resisted using blog software. “None for me, thanks!” “I’ll stick with Dreamweaver and Photoshop; real programs.”…by j. brotherlove
Much like the way Joshua held out, I also resisted using blog software.
“None for me, thanks!”
“I’ll stick with Dreamweaver and Photoshop; real programs.”
“I don’t have a blog. I have a journal.”
“Where is the challenge or creativity in plopping words into a pre-made template and having my site look like 1,000,000 others?”
[LOL @ my ignorance/arrogance]
At one point, I even set up a Blogger account. But, I couldn’t go through with it…until the end of last year.
Frustrated with the task of re-designing and transferring files, archiving j.ournal entries, etcetera, I discovered Movable Type. I soon realized that, while MT was fairly simple “out-of-the-box”, when I started customizing it… geezus! All sorts of mayhem could result from forgetting a bracket or proper syntax.
As a result, I got a handful of crash courses in wrangling CGI scripts, directories, manipulating PERL and the idiosyncrasies of CSS (I only thought I understood it before). In general, I write better code now then I did before. Most importantly, my experience with MT confirmed the benefits of separating design from content.
But now that I have a handle on these functionalities and ideas about my content, I long for more design here. That’ll be my focus in the upcoming weeks. This site could look better. All I have to do is find a way to carve out more than two hours a day for myself.

We have GOT to funnel this knowlege into $$$$. I manage people who get paid to do this stuff and they are 1/2 as talented and dedicated to learning as you are. I’ll gladly be your marketing pimp - um, err - I mean, representative… LOL
If you have some concrete ideas on how to do that, I’m all ears. I’ve heard the phrases “lots of talent” and “plenty of potential” all of my life. But, rarely have they translated to income.
Incidentally, there’s another wave of praise going around at Gig #1 “So-and-so said that people are talking about the good work you do…”
I just smile and say thanks. But, inside i’m saying: “Yeah, yeah yeah…shut the fuck up and show me the money!”
Praise is cheaper than cash. But you deserve both! *grin*