Underground Getaway (DC Edition)
A brief vacation does wondersby j. brotherlove
It’s been hectic in the world of brotherlove. My folks were in town for Thanksgiving and to complete the paperwork on their new home in South Carolina. We also have a new addition to our family; my brother’s first child. I’m not a big baby gusher but my nephew is the cutest little thing. I proudly add Uncle J. to my list of names.
I couldn’t relax much on Thanksgiving day. After hanging with my family, I headed back to my Midtown Summer Home to join some of Loverboy’s friends for about an hour. Then it was back to DIC to pack. In true last-minute-travel fashion, Loverboy decided we need to get away from Atlanta. He chose DC since he hadn’t been since 1985. The last time I visited the city, Wood and I painted the capitol city about four shades of red.
The flight to DC was uneventful except for the annoying flight attendants. I will fully admit to a prejudice against gay, male flight attendants. I’m trying to conquer that bias but what’s with the attitude from these girls?
Our crew consisted of three attendants. The main attendant had an accent so convoluted I never quite understood what he was saying. Another had a swish and a smile bigger than The Joker. Our (least) favorite had to be the skinny, Jude Law knock-off armed with arched eyebrows. His disdain for his position was so evident that when a passenger asked what was holding up our takeoff, Judy Out-Law hissed “Well that’s what I want to know!” and pranced off toward the back of the plane. Great customer service skills, Mary.
It was cold in DC - not unbearable - but colder than comfortable for a couple of guys living in the South. However, we were well-prepared for the elements. What we were not prepared for was the amount of walking ahead of us. We walked from downtown to Dupont Circle and back, through the National Mall area and here and there. We also took advantage of Metro. I love, love, love DC’s Metro. Now that’s a public transit system!
In addition to sightseeing, we hung out with the boys at The Bachelor’s Mill and The Fireplace. Much to Loverboy’s chagrin, the boys we saw throughout our trip were mostly of average (and below) variety. As Wood always says “If you want a pick me up to your ego, visit DC.” On Sunday, we had brunch with The Lovehater at B. Smith’s in Union Station (and yes, The Lovehater will be “official” soon).
Overall, our trip was relaxing, educational and fun. But I’m happy to be back in Atlanta. I may not live here forever but I don’t have any strong contenders at this point. So, what did I miss?

I will fully admit to a prejudice against gay, male flight attendants. I’m trying to conquer that bias but what’s with the attitude from these girls?
funny, funny, funny…
glad you had a chance to get away. i think i will escape sometime soon. as a matter of fact, i know i will.
Aaw Uncle J :)
your nephew is adoreable. He is going to grow up and be a little heartbraker.
Glad you had a chance to get away. you brought back many menories of our last visit to DC. I even ran across a few pictures over the weekend. :-)
That is a beautiful baby. Congratulations to your whole family.
Your nephew looks just like my great nephew did when he was a baby! It was great hanging with you guys - thanks again for brunch and all the great work you’ve been doing over at the domain!