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thebrotherlove AirTran Itinerary

6:00AM: Awake, groggy from late night freak session. 6:40AM: Arrive at Midway Airport for 8:15 flight on AirTran. 7:40AM: Discover 8:15 flight is canceled due…

by j. brotherlove

6:00AM: Awake, groggy from late night freak session.
6:40AM: Arrive at Midway Airport for 8:15 flight on AirTran.
7:40AM: Discover 8:15 flight is canceled due to a lack of a crew.
8:30AM: Receive complimentary round-trip pass and re-booked on 2:20PM flight.
9:00PM: Return to parents’ house to nap and wait for flight.
11:30PM: Head back to airport via BQM who arrives an hour early.
12:00PM: Sleep in chair at gate.
2:00PM: Awake to discover plane won’t be ready until 2:30PM.
2:45PM: Wait for clearance from maintenance crew.
3:15PM: “We’ll have an update at 4:30.”
4:40PM: “We’ll let you know as soon as we know something.”
6:10PM: Flight officially canceled.
6:30PM: Unruly, chaotic line forms for rebooking, leaving me in rear.
8:15PM: Standing in same spot in line that has not moved.
8:20PM: Legs begin to give.
8:25PM: Hear voices.
8:27PM: Control violent impulses.
8:29PM: Signs of panic attack become apparent.
8:30PM: Walk to front of line and firmly state needs: “I’ve been trying to fly on your airline since 7:30 this morning. Rebook me now, please.” Smile.
8:45PM: Receive complimentary round-trip pass and re-booked on tomorrow’s 10:05AM flight.
8:48PM: Sustain evil stares and muttered curses during walk from counter.
9:15PM: Secure “temporarily misplaced” luggage.
9:30PM: Return to parents house to sleep and wait for flight.

pub: 07/07/2002 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 2 | subscribe

i reiterate (from yesterday’s comment re: your lost luggage): how do airlines jerk their customers around like this ALL THE TIME and continue to get away with it?? at least you weren’t paying for a hotel…and the 2 free roundtrip flights should help, eh?

They’d help a lot more if they were for another airline. *zthump thump thump*