The Nigger Word
A time and a placeby j. brotherlove
I had drafted a post on my experience with the word "nigger" as an African American male. Well, wouldn’t you know, I drafted it in .txt format (as I often do) and accidentally saved over it. WTF! I haven’t done that in a long time. It was a substantial entry and I don’t have the energy to write it all over again.
In a nutshell, I’ve gone from never using the word as a child and teenager to peppering select conversations with "nigga this" or "nigga that". This is similar to the way I use other “taboo” words (you’ll have to use your imagination). The truth is, I speak differently depending on the audience and situation. Tiffany touched on this practice here.
I believe nigga is a viable word (albeit a loaded one) that still has use in today’s language. However, I don’t agree with how it is used so liberally in hip hop; perpetuating its acceptance and use in (what I consider) inappropriate situations. But I have a lot of problems with hip hop. A conversation for another time, maybe.
The subject was sparked from listening to Bakari’s latest Black Books Bulletin podcast. Suffice it to say, I found Bakari’s review and discussion on Randall Kennedy’s Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word to be interesting. Perhaps you will, too.
On a technical note, I like how I can listen to Bakari’s podcast on his site. Although Geek News Central refutes the latest podcast findings, I suspect that recent Forrestor Research revealing in "North America, only about one percent of online households actually download and listen to them", is pretty much on the money.

Thanks for that shoutout, j. I was hoping the podcast on the book would get me a little attention.
I don’t see myself in no way, shape, or form, has having a radio voice, but I think the net, as you know, offers so many opportunities for self-expression, communication, and netroot action that I feel responsible to play more role with whatever limited means I may have at my disposable. (Now my wife would say it’s just one more way to spend time “on that computer.” Okay, she’s half right, but a man has got to do what man has got to do. :))
As for the popularity of computer actually downloading and listening to podcasts, there’s a lot that has to account for that. Namely, I think people often get overwhelmed with information coming at them. They can’t process it all. I also think the process of downloading the podcast is still a techie skill. It may be easy to many of us, but for some people it comes as at them as just another chore or something I haven’t been shown how to do.
It’s also about finding a podcasts that you really need or that offer what you really want to hear. It may take time to find a few good ones that you’re willing to take the time to download and listen to.
Anyway, I’m interested in reading the study. Podcasting is still in its infantile stage, so it may time time catch on.
Check you later.
Bakari, credit where credit is due. And don’t sell yourself short, you have a radio-friendly voice and speak with authority. Great skills to have.
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