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The Next Step

I need to holiday more often… I’ve been on a vacation high all day; recounting (selected) accounts of my trip to coworkers and generally being…

by j. brotherlove

I need to holiday more often…

I’ve been on a vacation high all day; recounting (selected) accounts of my trip to coworkers and generally being in a great mood. Then SuperModelT came by my desk to tell me she got a full-time position. I’m genuinely happy for her because she needs a fulltime position more than I do (dissolving marriage, two children, addicted mother, etc…) We made a deal when we started temping that the first person to get a full-time position has to take the other to lunch at Icon. So, I win (or lose) that bet.

Then, after praising the beautiful people of Puerto Rico, I received a call extending the same job offer to me [««« read that sentence, again]. I interviewed three weeks ago and it went great but I didn’t get called back for a second interview like some others. Also, my current supervisor, Negative Nancy and the woman I interviewed with are good friends. When my supervisor learned I had interviewed she told me “We don’t think that’s the position for you”. So, I didn’t think I got the job.

But, I did.

I didn’t post about it because as Duke says “The secret to success is keeping it a secret”. The new job is nothing fancy but, it’s permanent and pays pretty well. Basically, I’ll be one of the people who answers the 800 line when our consumers have questions or complaints about our products. I’ll also have some elevated duties since they know I’m very computer literate and they don’t want me to get bored. Since our company is focusing more on customer service, the department is growing and there’s room for advancement. I’ll also be interfacing with the marketing department (my truer goal).

I start next Friday.

pub: 05/28/2002 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 5 | subscribe

WOO FUCKIN HOO!! (picturing you doing your Snoopy Dance)

Good things really do happen in clumps - good vacation, good sights, and now good news.

We’ll have to celebrate with dinner and cocktails at Canoe (or any other restaurant of your choosing). Name the date and time (except Thursday - LOL).

* sigh * now back to my SELF performance review.


and I hit that link for Canoe. Being in California it is so weird to see a restaurant listing that says “Smoking? Yes!”


3. wood

congradulations sweetie. You were huge in San Juan, and I hope your rise to the top rivals Nina “Fucking” Flowers. I hope this is only the first step of you returning to the J. I used to know and love….. “because you sooo darrk”… lol

Congrats congrats congrats! *claps hands*

*blush* Thanks, guys!