Sins & Virtues
Last night, in the midst of a carnal entanglement, I watched Se7en. I hadn’t seen Se7en in years and it amazed me how creepy it…by j. brotherlove
Last night, in the midst of a carnal entanglement, I watched Se7en.
I hadn’t seen Se7en in years and it amazed me how creepy it still is. All of the actors’ performances are en pointe (« fake French) in this noir: Morgan Freeman maintains his brand of quiet wisdom while Brad Pitt shoots off at the mouth. Even Gwyneth Paleface is convincing as Every White Woman (BTW, what ever happened to Paltrow’s career?)
But, even though he only appears in the last third of the film, Kevin Spacey steals it as he often does by conveying controlled insanity with simple vocal inflections and a knowing grin. Good (evil) stuff, Maynard.
The movie reminded me of how the deadly sins (and the cardinal or heavenly virtues which get no play these days), have always intrigued me. I attended a Catholic grammar school and was always very aware of the acts that would land me in freezing water or thrown in snake pits. As an adult (and reformed Catholic), I’ve given up the literal interpretations of sins and virtues in favor of the mythological aspects. C’mon, deadly sins? Yeah… I’ll be smothered in fire and brimstone for sure if I follow this plan.
But, what sort of human beings would we be without a little of both? If “nobody’s perfect”, how do we successfully and consistently avoid negative human characteristics while simultaneously embodying all of the positive ones?
And I don’t take this position because I’m too lazy to change (or enjoy the thought of being broken on the wheel). How many of us aren’t guilty of several if not all of the “sins”? Contrariwise, how many of us are devoid of humility, kindness or diligence?
Balance and self-discovery is the only true protection and insurance of a peaceful transition from our current spatial reality into the next. Self-knowledge, not cleanliness, is next to God-liness, and to know yourself is to know sin. And virtue.

You know, I guess Paltrow’s skulking around in London doing a play now. Perhaps she’s tired of the Hollywood grind, and has taken the money and run. Maybe she’s too close to 30 for some casting directors’ comfort. Nothing else comes immediately to mind, though.
Baby, its not sins and virtues..
Thank the gods my grandmama taught me some Latin.
When’s the last time you got down?
Yeah.. got down.. like.. you know..
Husband hunting in London? Say it isn’t so, Gwynnie!
Now, Lloyd… I don’t recall reading about any of your exploits at *raised eyebrow* So, leave mine alone - lol. You’re right, though - “deadly sins” should be “capital vices”. But, over time, “sins” has stuck. Probably, because “vices” lacks the zing to keep us in place, no?
[laughs] You are something else Lloyd!
Why does everybody tell me that.
“You are something else, Lloyd.”
Mwahah. -scratches head-
Oh, since Morgan Freeman came up: Webdaddy.
Yall watching the show Judge Mathis?
Oooh. I’m serious. that girl is triflin, because her man can’t walk around to put up his underwear since he got shot 9 times.
DANG. forreal, i’m serious.
and you know that when the eye is twitching, they are LYIN!
you know what though, what is that thing about some fellas pronouncing the word Asked “AXED”…
My babydaddy does that shit. I do not get it.
that movie freaked me the phuck out. i haven’t been able to watch it a second time. kevin spacey rules.
folks are forever preachin’ about my soul burnin’ in hell for my “sins” (i expect i’ll hear it if i march on saturday)…but you’re right, j…virtues get no play, nor do the balance and self-discovery you speak of. that’s the good ol’ judaeo-christian tradition(s) for ya….
If you think that was creepy, rent 8MM with Nicholas Cage. *shudder*