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San Juan Checklist

Non-clothes items. ‘Cause I can’t remember shit. Baby Oil Gel × Batteries (AA) × Black Soap × Brush × Camera & Film × CD Player…

by j. brotherlove

Non-clothes items. ‘Cause I can’t remember shit.

  • Baby Oil Gel ×

  • Batteries (AA) ×

  • Black Soap ×

  • Brush ×

  • Camera & Film ×

  • CD Player & Case ×

  • Clippers ×

  • Cologne ×

  • Condoms (assorted) (Magnum) ×

  • Deodorant ×

  • Flip Flops ×

  • iPAQ & Adapter ×

  • Jewelry (ears, neck, wrist, Anaconda) ×

  • Laptop & Adapter?

  • Lip Balm ×

  • Lube (Wood?) ×

  • Mobile Phone & Adapter

  • Nag Champa ×

  • Noxema ×

  • Off (Insect Repellent) ×

  • Shades (practical & glamour) ×

  • Shower Gel ×

  • Sunscreen (low SPH) ×

  • Toothpaste/Toothbrush ×
  • Am I forgetting anything?

    pub: 05/23/2002 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 4 | subscribe

    leave the laptop at home, bring a doodle pad, a good book and a good magazine instead.

    Ya might want to pack some Pepto Bismol or other diarrhea control medication. Also Tylenol or whatever pain reliever you like. It’s not like you are visiting Chicago or something like that. LOL We’ll miss you this weekend at DIC *sniff sniff *

    Both of you have excellent suggestions and I’m following them. A laptop to Puerto Rico - what was I thinking? And, due to my hectic schedule, I carry anti-diarrheal (sp?) and headache pills on a daily basis.

    Sorry on the late account, you probably don’t give a damn either, but um.. yeah, I also have a trip this summer… so.. have fun, and no you aint forgettin nothin. Just stay well and have a good time, I’ll greet you when you get back, which is about 9 weeks from now because I’ll be gone too.

    *stay well, go well* -Umfundisi.