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Plan B: Doing Stuff For Money

Although I’m still on a “new job high”, I know it won’t last forever. And when it ends, I need to prepared with Plan B….

by j. brotherlove

Although I’m still on a “new job high”, I know it won’t last forever. And when it ends, I need to prepared with Plan B. Hopefully, Plan B will involve money (am I turning into a paper chaser?) Anyway, it’s like ur’ry time I turn around there’s another friggin’ outstanding expense barking for my attention. How much money do these people thing a brotha makes? What freaks me out is there are entire families who live on less than I make. Are my living expectations too high? After rent/mortgage, car note, groceries and other bills - geezus! And now, I’m planning to go back to school, which is financially akin to buying a car.

Okay, lemme calm down. I just need to tighten up Plan B (any more of these “Plans” and I’ll need a blog just for them). In order for my life to keep improving, I need more coins, paper, cheddar or whatever you kids are calling it these days. The two things I can do well enough to get paid for (there’s actually a third, but I’m saving that for when I’m homeless and Prime passes me up on the street) are bartending and writing. I haven’t bartended steadily in years. But, I think it’s about time I jumped back in the saddle. I’m not sold on working at a gay bar, though. Well, maybe a gay bar; but definitely, not a club. One or two nights at a het joint with a Ladies Night would be supreme. Of course, that means I’d have to leave my house and check them out. Not all that appealing.

On the writing tip, I’m taking cues from Hollis and coming up with ways to whore my talents (no smartass comments, please). Of her most valuable tactics: “I try not to sit around with a bag of broken dreams wondering why nobody recognizes my talent, and I say that like I have some.” I’ll collect some rags and see where I’d like to write. Ironically, I don’t read most things that are hard printed; mostly electronic over here. But there are plenty of helpful hints for me to get started so I can be da bomb like Lynne.

Damn… that means more research. When does this adult life get fun?

pub: 07/11/2002 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 0 | subscribe