Nix by Day / Lopez by Night
Even thought last night was crappy, I still didn’t get home until early this morning. I got about three hours of sleep before I had…by j. brotherlove
Even thought last night was crappy, I still didn’t get home until early this morning. I got about three hours of sleep before I had to wake up, get out of the house and catch the bus north to meet Nix, her boyfriend, Rob, and Bianca for breakfast at The Golden Nugget. I totally misjudged how long it can take to travel by bus. I was a half an hour late and the trio was mostly done with breakfast by then. Eating wasn’t the point of our get together, anyway.
It was great hanging out with these three; they are so dynamic. People think I’m an open carefree guy. But, when I discuss health, religion, etc. with Nix or Bianca, I realize how much more there is to learn - if I am willing. Both Nix and her boyfriend are into the whole Medieval and Renaissance experience. Rob makes chain mail clothing and also is a member of SCA. Nix is especially drawn to anything Celtic or Wiccan. Go figure. Since I’ve known Bianca, she has pretty much investigated every alternative and homeopathic philosophy, medicine and technique. She is a Reiki Master and heavy believer in past life regression. She is also a Prince fanatic, so do the math (I’m joking).
After breakfast, I secured BQM’s car so I could have some freedom ( *knowing wink* ). Of course, since I was driving BQM’s car, he felt entitled to call me with errands including, picking up tickets to a party given by the same people who threw last night’s debacle from one of his tricks (he was with the other one so he couldn’t run the errand himself).
I’m most proud of my last visit to Lopez. I haven’t seen him since I moved to Atlanta. Whenever I come into town, it just doesn’t happen; somehow, he is unavailable. Lopez is a moody soul, so no telling what underlying reasons existed. However, it was great seeing him and catching up a bit on our lives and plans. He is working on his writing and planning a trip to Africa later this year.
While I was catching up with Lopez, all of my visiting and running around started to weigh on me and I decided not to go to the party. BQM tried to use “free” as bait. But, I still had a bad taste in my mouth from last night and in my opinion, a free bad party is still a bad party. BQM met me to pick up his car and I packed for my 8AM flight. I’d have to say it was a good day.

Ummm…chain mail clothing? What’s that?? And what are you tryin’ to say about Prince fanatics? *raising an eyebrow* :)
A modern example of chain mail clothing.
Oh. wow. Okay…I’ve seen that before. Thanks :)