Lazy Dog / Tired
Despite more drama at Gig #2 (don’t ask), I stopped through eleven50 for the Lazy Dog party. Delicious. Deep house sounds and a cosmopolitan crowd…by j. brotherlove
Despite more drama at Gig #2 (don’t ask), I stopped through eleven50 for the Lazy Dog party. Delicious. Deep house sounds and a cosmopolitan crowd make for an entertaining evening when you’re tucked in a semi-private booth with a Bombay and tonic.
Unfortunately, I was too tired to do much of anything else.
Wood joined me and we observed and cocktailed some more. By 12:30, I knew I needed to go to bed so we attempted to dance. Attempted and failed. While I love eleven50’s layout, ambiance, abundance of bars, etc., they have one glaring problem: the main dancefloor is too small and the acoustics are less than stellar.
In order to get the best sound, Wood and I pushed our way to the front and middle of the stage onto the dancefloor for Ben Watt’s gorgeous remix of Sade’s “By Your Side”. Music is the great equalizer and folks of all ages, sizes, shades - and dance moves, crowded the floor. After catching a few too many elbows and hips, we surrendered.
Ahhh…but a taste is better than nothing, no? Especially when good dance music can be difficult to find. And now that I have the deep house vibe back in my blood, I’ll be adding their discs to my music collection. BTW, if you’re not up to what true, deep house music sounds like (hint: it’s not that techno crap they play on Queer As Folk), listen here and here.

I TOTALY appreciated the recomendation and was planning on joining you at eleven50 for the music. But, after drowning my issues in stale nachos and chicken strips (there I go, comfort eating again) and watching a semi-entertaining movie alone, I was just too sick and tired to endure. Not to mention, I had on my ‘keepin it real’ shorts and they were not cooperating well enough to be in a public place with lots of people.