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Housekeeping (Offline)

I had a quiet weekend. I canceled my after work activities for Friday evening due to laziness and periodic torrential downpours. I don’t know what…

by j. brotherlove

I had a quiet weekend.

I canceled my after work activities for Friday evening due to laziness and periodic torrential downpours. I don’t know what it is about Atlanta and rain. We’ll have a near-drought for 10 days then violent thunderstorms for an hour or two. The rain is great and badly needed. But, can we spread the goodness, Ms. Nature? Anyway, after I’d gotten settled on my futon, I had no impetus to raise up. So, I didn’t.

Saturday, I was in such a wishy-washy, bitchy-whiny mood, I thought Ex Lover was going to leave me to my own devices. That’s what I would’ve done if I were him. But, he was very patient, deciding to come and hang out with me at DIC for a change. He watched me (try to) play video games and then we went to get his hair did (*wink*). We chilled the rest of the day; talking, eating and watching Muholland Drive. It is still a bit strange that Ex Lover goes along with my music and film choices, now, and actually seems to enjoy them. Refreshing. Cool. But, still strange. He spent the night which is a first since I’ve moved back to DIC.

Yesterday, I began cleaning my room. It’s a multi-faceted project that I’ve put off for months involving putting files in the file cabinet in my office, matching at least 100 CD’s with their cases and shelving them, purging my wardrobe of clothes I no longer (can) wear and putting off-season clothing in storage containers. I’ve never “segregated” my clothes before. But I don’t have room for all my clothes to stay in “active mode”. I’m about a third of the way into this project.

Yesterday was also the meeting with Juicy that should’ve happened some time ago. In spite of lots of humor, our conversation was very clear and important regarding our interaction (or non-interaction). I’d planned to post at length about it. However, I think I’ll do an Anitra and keep it to myself - at least, for now.

pub: 07/29/2002 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 0 | subscribe