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Gearing Up

Yesterday’s inactivity did me some good. I worked on a new layout for which is coming along nicely - a little racy, though so…

by j. brotherlove

Yesterday’s inactivity did me some good. I worked on a new layout for which is coming along nicely - a little racy, though so I’ll have to tweak it; saw a lot of Don Cheadle (Swordfish, Ocean’s Eleven, The Bernie Mac Show) and slept.

I feel much better, today. Of course, I start my hectic schedule all over again, tomorrow. Oh! But, I got out of the house. Yup. I managed to get to Greenbriar Mall and drag Wood along. We got a couple of things for our trip and Wood learned that it’s not so bad shopping at “the black mall”. Unless, of course, you’re in a fucking hurry.

On the heels of that success, I fell asleep this afternoon, while everyone else was watching Jackie’s Back. Damn… I guess I need more rest (I like to lounge anyway, if you haven’t figured that out by now). Besides, gotta maintain my strength to get through the next four days. Just thinking about it overwhelms me. Nothing significant will come from me for the rest of the day.

For substance, try these posts by George (nice re-design, BTW); Cecily (who didn’t forget yesterday was Malcolm X’s birthday); and Alicia Banks.

pub: 05/19/2002 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 0 | subscribe