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Efficacy Behavioral Survey

Efficacy survey of existing behavior and/or the probable benefit of proposed patterns, processes or procedures consisting of five chief questions [ patent pending ]:…

by j. brotherlove

Efficacy survey of existing behavior and/or the probable benefit of proposed patterns, processes or procedures consisting of five chief questions [ patent pending ]:

* Does existing or proposed behavior satisfy a short term goal or a long term goal?

* Does existing or proposed short term goal satisfy a transmutable pleasure of the mind, body or spirit rather than an inroads to overall happiness?
If yes, reassess. If no, go.

* Consider the pitfalls of pursuing pleasure as its sole purpose and resulting cost(s) to overall happiness. Can indulgence of said pleasure hinder or nullify existing short term or long term goals for the mind, body or spirit?
If yes, reassess. If no, go.

* Given the proposed benefit is overall happiness and not transmutable pleasure, does it rely on outside forces one cannot control? Is success serendipitous or contingent on the approval of others in order to succeed.
If yes, reassess. If no, go.

* Does the success of the existing or proposed long term goal rely on the successes of previous or concurrent short term or long term goals? Will the pursuit of long term goal in question thwart the success of other short term or long term goals?
If yes, reassess. If no, go.

pub: 02/04/2004 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 0 | subscribe