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Brand Me / The Sick Sense

No matter how comfortable I am lounging across a $300 futon watching movies on my 27” television and DVD player, surround sound receiver booming, while…

by j. brotherlove

No matter how comfortable I am lounging across a $300 futon watching movies on my 27” television and DVD player, surround sound receiver booming, while eating ice cream or drinking a cocktail and IM-ing friends and strangers on my laptop; I can’t help but feel a certain amount of dread over an inevitable, subsequent terrorist attack.

This sick sense is counterproductive to the mood I need to be in three days before hopping on a plane (my first flight since September 11, incidentally). I’m not overly paranoid or big on conspiracy theories, for that matter. But, some of this shit ain’t theory.

Even now, if I think about WTC for too long, I get choked up. As if life wasn’t serious enough (there is a startling correlation between Republican presidents and lack of productivity in my life), now everything is überserious. I even questioned my judgment, this morning, for walking to the dry cleaners with my dirty clothes in a black duffle bag.

pub: 05/20/2002 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 2 | subscribe

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Hey. Just stumbled across your site. Very weird sense of deja vu when I read this post of yours. I had written something very similar on Monday as well. Must be a common feeling…