All Eyes On Me: The j. brotherlove Interviews
Spotlight reversed for a changeby j. brotherlove
It’s been quiet around here while I enjoy some of the laziness the holidays afford. Also, I have been busy experimenting with some alternative blogging formats. That’s right, changes are a-coming for 2008.
But before I go there, I should point you to two interviews that focus on me for a change. Earlier this month I had a conversation with bestselling author Nathan James which led to us discussing erotica and his recent novella Check Ride. Nathan is down with the e-book movement which fascinates me.
Also, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Wyatt O’Brien Evans for KuttinEdge, complete with flattering and surprising comments from bloggers Doug Cooper-Spencer and game-changer Rod McCollum. They rock!
When I began "blogging" in 1998, there were few people of color online expressing themselves in this manner. As far as I know, I was the first black, gay man with a blog to gain any sort of notoriety (see: 2002’s Joe No Go). Even so, when I read terms like “pioneer” and “leader” in the same sentence as “black gay blogosphere” well… I’m humbled.
Ten years later, I’m proud to say the landscape has changed dramatically. I can’t even keep up with the amount of new blogs by black LGBT popping up on the daily; though I do try. All of this movement signifies that it’s time I changed the way I participate in the online game; hence, the "alternative blogging formats" I mentioned before. Details in 2008.
Thanks to everyone who has linked, subscribed, emailed or commented at over the past six or so years. Extra special thanks to those who have reached out to say hello or meet me in public. It means more to me than I know how to express.

You’re famous!
Seriously, J, I love your blog. And I’m pretty sure you are the longest-bloggingest blogger I read. Keep on going into your 10th year and more!
I really look forward to your blog because it always provides me with new food for my mind and soul. I have been a fan of yours since forever ago, long before there was a blogosphere. I salute you and welcome all newcomers to the bandwagon.
CONGRATS on all of the great interviews!! :)
You deserve praise and more. Happy New Year!
Big bro… haven’t talked to you in ages. Glad to hear things are going well. You always were ahead of the curve. Congrats on the interviews. Love the pic. Keep blogging - you’ve got one of the few rational voices out there.
Wow- I havent been here in awhile, but I must say I am proud of you for still doing your thing and making the impact that you have. You know you were one of my original, favorite reads and I still love you!!
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