Questions I am asking myself todayby j. brotherlove
Interpolated from la Sturtle.
- Who is this new Kevin R. Scott?
- What took Six Apart so long to get it?
- When will black folk (especially those of the non-heterosexual variety) learn to work together without a bunch of drama?
- Where should I go on my first cruise?
- Why is it only after I’ve admitted the need to go on a diet, I crave every deep-fried, sugar-laden, carb-friendly food on the planet?
- How did I end up with three design projects — all of which have the same deadline?
nOva [hiatus]
1. The “skeet” theme is questionable.
2. I was never sweating them in the first place. I got all I need with my 2.6964 or whatever it’s called these days.
3. Bwaahahahahahah!
4. Greece. (but fly instead)
5. Because you know me, and I’m a bad influence.
6. Does this have any connection with #3? ‘Cuz that’s usually how it is with me.