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Questions I am asking myself today

by j. brotherlove

Interpolated from la Sturtle.

  1. Who is this new Kevin R. Scott?
  2. What took Six Apart so long to get it?
  3. When will black folk (especially those of the non-heterosexual variety) learn to work together without a bunch of drama?
  4. Where should I go on my first cruise?
  5. Why is it only after I’ve admitted the need to go on a diet, I crave every deep-fried, sugar-laden, carb-friendly food on the planet?
  6. How did I end up with three design projects — all of which have the same deadline?
pub: 08/03/2004 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 1 | subscribe

1. The “skeet” theme is questionable.
2. I was never sweating them in the first place. I got all I need with my 2.6964 or whatever it’s called these days.
3. Bwaahahahahahah!
4. Greece. (but fly instead)
5. Because you know me, and I’m a bad influence.
6. Does this have any connection with #3? ‘Cuz that’s usually how it is with me.