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What Say You?

Recent musings from 5 gay bloggers

by j. brotherlove

text art of words in post

Derrick ponders his usual single status:

Despite these obstacles, I’ve had some brief but fun sexual times with guys but it never got any further than that. I know its partly my fault. I could have said something to the effect of, “This has been great…you wanna catch a movie sometime? Maybe check out that MOCA show or grab some tacos?” Perhaps the day of courtship and whirlwind romances are over. Maybe now we screw around to find someone we’re sexually compatible with and then go out of our way to see if we actually like them.

Bernie participated in the New York City Gay Pride march:

My friends in political circles had asked me awhile ago to be more involved with the gay community outreach efforts of the Obama campaign but for time and burnout reasons, I’ve been somewhat reluctant. But the email invite came more than a week ago, looking for Obama Pride marchers and well, I couldn’t resist. Smart move on my part. It was a blast.

Brandon feels the drained by the job:

I get exhausted doing adult work, tired. Adult work is draining in a way other professions aren’t. Clients are rough, day in and day out. So many cokeheads. So many unkind faces. My favorite activity in the world is to sit alone doing nothing, hours with my eyes closed, not sleeping.

Ramon shares how to upgrade your boyfriend’s style and adds:

What’s good for the style clueless is good for the style conscious. Keep in mind that he may not like your style either and may use similar techniques to get you to dress how he fancies. Stay open to the possibilities. If that tight V that you hate really gets him going, you may want to reconsider wearing it.

BronzeBuckaroo is angry over gay marriage coverage:

This may come as a shock to the larger gay community, its political machines and its pandering Negro admirers, but Afro American and other Diasporic men (and women) DO live lives and have lived a history FAR OUTSIDE your gaze without being impressed by you and wanting to bed you.

pub: 06/30/2008 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 0 | subscribe

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