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We Interrupt This Program

After ‘while, crocadile

by j. brotherlove

Longtime readers of this site know when I start taking a week off here and there, that a “blog vacation” is not far behind.

And here it is.

I need some time away to reflect, reorganize, restructure and redesign. I don’t know how long it will take but it will rock. Trust.

Should you miss me too much, I’ll be available via jbrotherlove via Yahoo! and AIM, periodically. I’m also playing around at Yahoo 360 with all the really cool people.

Periodic updates are not out of the question.

pub: 03/29/2005 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 2 | subscribe

I’m trying to find you on 360 but am unsuccessful. I am on as cunningprose. I want to add you.

you have some good time off now, ya hear?….