Unconscious Mutterings - Week 222
I say … and you think … ?by j. brotherlove
- Tumor :: Brain
- Bunch :: Pants
- Gratitude :: Thanks
- Feel alive :: Bungee jumping
- Connect :: Disconnected
- Temptation :: Will power
- Brighten :: Smile
- Jewelry :: Silver
- Tough :: Strong
- Harmless :: Flea
— via LunaNiña.com | Unconscious Mutterings
tagged: meme • Unconscious Mutterings

Brain: Pinky
Pants: Pull’em up
Thanks: Pre-shay-tit
Bungee Jumping: Oh hell naw
Disconnected: Missed Payment
Will Power: Got None
Smile: them babies
Silver: Ag
Strong: Stank
Flea: Chili Peppers
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