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Two-Faced Tuesday

It’s my weblog; I can whine if I want to. Feeling nothing positive right now but as always, it shall pass. Loverboy’s party went well….

by j. brotherlove

It’s my weblog; I can whine if I want to.

Feeling nothing positive right now but as always, it shall pass. Loverboy’s party went well. I would recount the specifics but that was Saturday and it is sooooo Tuesday, y’know? Ugh, Tuesday. Easily my least favorite day. And I’m feeling very “least favorite” right now. No violins needed. I have my own, keep reading if you doubt me.

These last few days have been a bit emotional coupled with the sniffles. The see-sawing temperatures are doing a number on me (50° by night, 80° by day). I didn’t get the job I interviewed for. From the recruiter’s words, I can tell the hiring manager had already identified a woman she wanted for the position but had to post the job per HR regulations. That was a bigger disappointment than I expected. I also had some miscommunication with Loverboy about several issues which compounded my disappointment balance. Interestingly, disappointment can hurt more than anger.

My only focus is to get through this week and get my check so I can pay some past due bills and obligations (I’m really sorry, guys). This is my life; a cog in a system of bureaucratic, consumer-based bullshit, easily replaced by a trained monkey.

Must go meditate.

pub: 10/21/2003 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 8 | subscribe

meditation is good, I had a nice one this morning. or you could always write about how you want it to be (and have people believe you).

the funk is going around big time. hang in there, we’ll all get out of it soon.

Damn that Piscean funk. And about the job, I totally sympathize.

i hate that “we already have someone in mind” thing…they need to just tell you that in the damned interview. and of course, not feeling well always makes everything worse. yes…sometimes, it’s about just getting thru the week. it’s right around the corner, love.

hey pay some of my past due bills *lol* i would very much appreciate that.

sorry you didn’t get the job you interview for but you’ll have more interviews.

take care.

oh, it’s going to be obee kaybee. yeah, tuesday’s suck.

**blows J. Bro a web-kiss from Southern Maryland.**

And this too shall pass….

* pats J on the head * woo woo woo

Interestingly, disappointment can hurt more than anger.” The truth is that anger is a way for us to hide from our true emotion. Honering your disappointment and being in touch with it is more painfull, but also more real and moves you closer to healing than the fales protection anger provides. Kudos for being real and and feeling it.

8. nix

i am sorry t hear about your interview. but i wish you the best in your search. i am glad to hear that you are meditating. check you out getting all zen.
peace be with you