Tinker Tinker
Thank Goddess It’s Friday! I’m busy re-designing and getting ready for the latest MT version. I know I’ve mentioned it before but, finally, I’ll have…by j. brotherlove
Thank Goddess It’s Friday!
I’m busy re-designing and getting ready for the latest MT version. I know I’ve mentioned it before but, finally, I’ll have some new pages. That is, if I can get the CSS up to par. I’ve been tinkering with it all week. By the way, if you haven’t already, please upgrade to IE6. IE5 is doing its own interpretation of thebrotherlove’s stylesheets and I am not pleased. I haven’t forgotten about other browsers. It’s just that… well, only 5% of you visit my my site using something other than Internet Explorer and I don’t get paid for this. I’m sure you understand.
Oh! Since I mentioned that, what are your web strengths (designing, programming, etc.) just in case I need emergency assistance. At this point, I have tweaked and edited my code to pieces and there are still some anomalies I cannot accept.
So, while I get the formatting and additional pages ironed out, I’ll just poke around your pages and see what’s up with you … and shit. And maybe steal some ideas from your spot - heh heh heh…
I need to get some skills first then you’ll be to steal borrow whatever you like …
Hmm… damn. What was I about to say?
Oh yeah… Today is Friday the 13th. You not superstitious? Maybe, maybe not.
And them stylesheets… ugh. Talk about frustration.
love ya!
I just want to say that I’m SO impressed with this phrase of yours. Thank Goddess It’s Friday!”
greetings… just surfing on a friday nite (pathetic eh?)… happened upon your spot and wanted to say hello!
good luck on the redesign. i do mine… oh every… well, whenever the mood hits me, and that’s often!
look forward to seeing what you come up with!
I’m great with bending stylesheets to my will, where MT is concerned. But the site looks great! What were you going to change?
*ahem* may i recommend NS7? you can have even cooler effects than IE6, which now has a disturbing ‘service pack’ out (in MS-ese, this means, they have some spyware they’d like you to add to your computer).
Mozilla 1.0, for the purists, is every bit as good.
and neither of them is M$, which is good.
i’m on a mission to convert people, please pardon my hijacking your comment section for my nefarious purposes.
I’m glad you like NS7 (in case you thought I was advocating a monopolistic browser environment). I just want my design to look the way it’s intended. I have heard some positive things about NS7. However, my past experience with them prevents me from even considering that browser. I do like Mozilla. But, it does some oddball things that I don’t like, as well.
BTW, how much are the NS7 folks paying you?
Found this link while searching Google, thanks