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This Week In Links

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by j. brotherlove

Tracy Morgan’s New Bling
Tracy Morgan will host Spike TV’s inaugural Guys Choice awards set to air June 13, 2007. But what people want to know is how will he match his court-ordered SCRAM bracelet for drunk driving. Sadly, that bracelet is the funniest thing about Tracy Morgan to me.

How Not To Do Porn
Miami-based porn company spreads misspelled retorts, threatens legal action and posts confidential emails from a customer in response to bloggers who report the company’s latest snafus with the law (as seen on TV). What a way to piss off your customer base. More importantly, if you can’t trust a porn company to keep your email private, how do you trust them with your billing info?

Paris Is Cold And Lifeless
Artist Daniel Edwards unveils another tacky art exhibit. His latest is a sculpture of annoyingly omnipresent Paris Hilton depicted as an autopsy (accessorized with mobile phone, cocktail glass and tiara). There’s even a Paris Hilton Obituary Writing Contest to commemorate. At least he’s moved on from Hillary Clinton’s ta-tas.

Yo Show Is Ugly
Karsh questions the “Ugly Gay Men” episode of The & Show videoblog in which the hosts make jokes about “ugly” and “fat” gay men while ironically trying to answer “What defines being ugly?” Takeaways: “Sometimes your attitude can make you completely ugly.” “Yes. Yes. We seem to forget that.” Apparently.

‘Tongue’ Waggin’
Tongues Untied, the revolutionary documentary of gay, African-American men directed by Marlon T. Riggs, gets enhanced DVD treatment. Extras include outtakes from the film and interviews with Riggs, Isaac Julien, Phill Wilson, Herman Gray, and Juba Kalamka. [via NewBlackMan]

pub: 05/10/2007 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 0 | subscribe

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