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This & That

A quick update

by j. brotherlove

Yeah, It’s been quiet here for a minute. Duane’s visit led right into Thanksgiving. And now… I’m on a serious paper chase. I dig how focused I’ve become. But I’m not liking how it’s changed my initial reaction to any proposal to “How will this make me some money?”


  • If you are ever around me when they break out Taboo, jump on my team. I rock!
  • I visited The Folks over the Thanksgiving weekend with Loverboy and ate a bunch of food I don’t normally eat. I also saw pictures of my great, grandfather for the first time. I think non-blacks take if for granted how easily they can reach back in their genealogy. Turns out, my father’s grandfather was a “ladies man”. Loverboy gave me the eye when he heard, as if to say “That explains a lot”.
  • Karsh is back, blogging like a bandit.
  • I didn’t win a Clik Honors or Gay Bloggies award. But I did get used mentioned in Mike’s Name Those Bloggers/Friends post. In it he suggests nOva and I secretly like being the center of attention and sweat over what our ass looks like in jean. The nerve! Keep in mind, Mike posts about once every other month. Are you really going to trust him?
  • Keep the faith that there are plenty of opportunities to change the status quo. You just have to join forces and make it happen like these three friends in Charlotte.

I have some real posts in draft, let me get on those (after I fire off a few more resumes).

pub: 11/27/2006 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 0 | subscribe

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