The Weekend As A Blur
A list-style wrap-upby j. brotherlove
Already, it’s Monday. My weekend, in a list:
- Onyx Night at The Atlanta Eagle.
- Annie Liebovitz at the High Museum.
- A chance on-street meeting with Craig Washington yielded sound advice.
- The King Center (home of theme-shirt family reunions).
- The bbq chicken/bbq rib combo at Rolling Bones.
- Finished Looker by Stanley Bennett Clay; a well-written, entertaining summer read.
- Joined other house music lovers (including Ruby, Tim’m, Maria and Madame CJ) armed with baby powder, tambourines and lots of water for this month’s Sweat at Cenci.
- Weekly grocery shopping with EJ at Dekalb Farmers Market.
- Saw The Simpsons Movie which was funny but not as funny as their best television episodes.
- Ciao Bella Gelato (which is not on my diet but I can’t resist gelato).

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