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The Most Unseasonable Time Of The Year

Atlanta brings the heat for December

by j. brotherlove

Crescent Moon by abbyladybug

Photo by abbyladybug

It was 74 degrees in Atlanta this past Sunday. It will be like that for most of the week. No need to check the calendar, it really is December; surely a sign of the Apocalypse.

Heather, John and I decided on brunch at Crescent Moon in downtown Decatur since it felt like a late summer day. We discussed, amongst a host of topics, same-gender marriage and how Vincent Gallo exceeds even our high-level tolerance for pretentious artistic expression.

I drive past and through downtown Decatur all the time. But I haven’t really walked around the area in over a year because of that never-ending renovation they went through.

Now everything is pristine and yuppified. In addition to old favorites like Java Monkey, Watershed and Chick-Fil-A; there’s a Tossed, Ted’s Montana Grill and host of other "upscale" options.

The times, I tell you…

pub: 12/10/2007 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 0 | subscribe

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