The Lust List (1st Ed.)
These are a few of my favorite thingsby j. brotherlove
A recurring theme with thebrotherlove is the way I obsess over something until I just can’t deal with it anymore. Whether it’s food, television programs or crushes - I do it all the time. Here are five recent obsessions that I just can’t get enough of - at least, for now.
Frozen Dessert. Ice cream… gelato… frozen Popsicles… None are safe these days. If I’m not scarfing down a pint of Rum Raisin Haagen Dazs, I’m devouring Kroger Two Fruity Popsicles or driving to Paolo’s Gelato for gelato (my favorite frozen dessert). I even have a daily ice cream snack about 3:00 everyday, usually a Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough Peace Pop. I may need help.
Karamo. Yeah, I know everybody is on this Real World cast member’s jock. Add me to the list. The brother is easy on the eyes and refreshingly masculine (even if he’s a bit too conscious of it) in a television world of black beautician’s, receptionists and other snap queens. Bonus: He has the ass of a 19-year-old Asian gymnast (brother serves serious buns in a bath towel). The Anaconda and I likey very much.
Zap Mama. Ancestry in Progress is so delicious and buttery is deserves its own genre. Please believe my hype and indulge (or get left behind listening to Lil Jon remixes). If I can ever stop listening to the disc long enough, I’ll write a proper review. Some of y’all really aren’t ready. Easily one of the year’s best.
Goofy White Guys. Jason may dig the crazy chicks but I have a peculiar fondness for white guys who make asses out of themselves and show off their ass while they do it. From Ty Pennington and Johnny Knoxville (I share that twistedness with Kenny), to Will Ferrell and Sacha Baron Cohen (although, “white” isn’t a very good description of SBC). This lust is a recent thing because previously, you couldn’t pay me to watch frat shows like Jackass or Da Ali G Show.
Phone Sex. Despite what some of my less creative compadres say, phone sex can be quite intense and satisfying. As with traditional sex, you have to choose the right participant. However, the luxury of getting a nut without leaving the house, or having to kick anybody out of the bed, or worrying about exchanging body fluids, or having to remember their name, makes this a desirable choice for thebrotherlove. Call me and I’ll show you how it’s done.

I just picked up zap mama last night and it’s blowing my mind.
Bandy Bandy is just stuck in my head all the time now.
Karamo is a nice piece of man *lol*
And yes, only recently have I learned the joys of phone sex. Whew lawd. When its done right… mmm mm mm
I agree Karamo is hot. I hope ke makes the most of his 20 minutes of fame.
Phone sex is great when both people can let go of inhibitions and vibe off each other. Go forbid add a web camera into the mix so you can actually see your partner while on the phone. If donr right you will want to sleep for a week :-)
Now the whole webcam thing… I dunno. I think that’s too much of a committment for me to put face (and other body parts) on a cam.
Add the fact that you don’t really know who all is peeping the video. I get the heebee jeebees just thinking about it. But I do like to watch.
Hagen Daaz Creme Brulee is my daddy. I will outdo you with my ice cream fanatics any day of the week.
Shoot I will trick on the corner of a church on a sunday morning for a pint of Edy’s cherry chocolate chip ice cream
You know why I like this post.
Hey now!! I would like it if you please remembered my name (or whatever I asked you to call me) after phone sex. You don’t get off the hook (haa) that easily, with that one! In the meantime, please pass the Haagen Dazs Dulce De Leche. Or Mango. Thanks. Mmm.