SOS #26
More signs of sexinessby j. brotherlove
Razor burns in your private area.
Verdict: Unsexy.
Your lover’s roommate calling the cops after mistaking your sounds of lovemaking for a home invasion.
Verdict: Sexy!

Lord have mercy. It’s getting warm in here. ;)
Now, see…that’s what I’m talkin about!! ‘Til the cops come knocking! :)
Wasn’t that how that Texas sodomy case that got struck down by the Supreme Court got started? A neighbor heard them and called police.
… I think I saw that movie before. Didn’t the cops join in? *grin*
I always loved “loud” folk…
mental note…do not read this while at work. whackiness will ensue.
fo’ real?!
…well, damn
…and when the roommate called back to retract the “supsicious noices” claim, he was told the cops had already been dispatched to the area and to meet them out front.
Thats how us Pisces do it!!!! *wink*
And a AMEN for the noise! (I’ll pray for the razor burn ….)
The closest thing I get to that is my neighbor calling to say that 5am is too early for vaccuuming.
As my boyfriend says “DAMN IT BOY!!!!!”
Ain’t nothing better than some wall shakin’ lovin’ :)