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Sometimes I Blog Slow

With deepest apologies to Nice And Smooth

by j. brotherlove

Sometimes I blog slow, sometimes I blog quick
I’m harder and blacker than an afro pick
Here’s a new set of lyrics; baby take a lick
My words make bloggers wanna call in sick

Got new heads popping up everyday
Without much to give, without much to say
Read between their lines and all you get is grey
Spouting hot garbage keeping truth at bay

I’m from the old school where truth be told
You needed more than bullets to be labeled bold
So while I grow wiser you’re just growing old
I’ve seen your whole hand, you may as well fold

‘Cause… like magic; it’s better than your trick
Your amateur shit make visitors click
Watch me scatter my words like the veins in my dick
Sometimes I blog slow, sometimes I blog quick

pub: 06/30/2004 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 17 | subscribe

It’s looking nice in here — welcome back!

I second that. Things are quite fetching around here. Welcome back!

syndication is the key. hot sites around hot people. i’m honored.

You ain’t Mase (and thank the orishas for that!!), but welcome back Papi.

Well, well, well. Look what da cat done coughed up.

Purty. Vura purty.

I am really impressed with the structure and tweaks. You clearly worked your ass off for this and it shows. Would you like to work for my company?


wow j this is nice you did a fantastic job, now do me one please.

hope you have a wonderful 4th of july.

You always come correct don’t ya?

j. is fired up for summer.

loves it.


Sometimes, you gotta blog slow.
Love the digs.

As expected and delivered, hotness at its finest!


Sexy, sexy…

back and rhyming, when my blog grows up, it wants to be like thebrotherlove.

there’s a lot going on in here - gotta take some time and let this ish marinate. it’s hotness and on fire for sure, especially since i see a pic of my feet and legs up in here. :-)

Sshhh… That was supposed to be a secret Lynne. Hehe.

YOU’VE BEEN SYNDICATED! Who knew there were blog reruns?

Maybe you should do Sucker Bloggers to see if the biters go after that as well…