So, SoVo
Blogging while fabulousby j. brotherlove
Today, Ryan Lee has a feature for SoVo on gay Atlanta bloggers titled Blogging While Fabulous. Yours truly is profiled; along with Chris of My Daily Education, Liza of Liza Was Here, and Chris of boysbriefs.
Anyone who knows how neurotic I am can imagine how freaked out I am right now. In the article, I touch on privacy, authenticity, the Joe Boxer debacle, and how the Atlanta’s blog “scene” is terribly fragmented. Nothing too earth-shattering. But at least all doubts as to my fabulousness can be put to rest. It’s in print. And we all know that fact makes it true!
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Be grateful you aren’t the one quoted as saying “Bloggers are kind of narcissistic.” :)
But we are, Chris!
Thanks for the link, j. brotherlove! I’ll be posting more about the article this weekend (including links), but I wanted to jump over and say hello right away.
I think you made a great point re: the segregation of the blogosphere. So I’m going to take responsibility to make sure I’m doing what I can to link out and read out beyond the white lesbian community.
@ chrisb: Your “narcissistic” comment has legs. As a precaution, I insisted my PR firm have pre-publication approval.
@ Liza: I’m glad you agree with my POV. Now, I need check out what the white lesbian community is up to…
It is odd seeing myself in SoVo I’ll admit. Perhaps I can work it for free drinks somewhere over the weekend. j/k
Nice to meet to the rest of you from the article.