[As if I don’t get enough referrals from Google] Disappointed I haven’t posted any juicy, sweaty sexploits since I returned to the blogosphere? Well, Scott…by j. brotherlove
[As if I don’t get enough referrals from Google]
Disappointed I haven’t posted any juicy, sweaty sexploits since I returned to the blogosphere? Well, Scott from sardonic-bomb selected me out of a cast of thousands (or something like that) to participate in the most recent Piggy Interview. Really more there than you need to know about thebrotherlove and sex.
Hmmm… I wanted to include a link on sex and pigs but, unsurprisingly, didn’t find anything illuminating. However, that search led me to “pigs and fishes”, which led me to Avram Grumer’s blog, which I quite like. You may like it, too. Funny thing, synaptic misfires.
And while I’m on the topic of sex, here’s a non-worksafe link to something with No Social Redeeming Value or The Bait Bus, as it’s formally known. Pretty twisted. I’ve watched every episode; I couldn’t help it. I’m an hypersexed nonheterosexul who likes watching man-on-man action. But so does Steph so I’m in good company. I’m partial to the older black, gay videos, though. The sex is way hotter than that in most of the ones released in the past five years. Is there a reason why most of the current “actors” look like they just graduated from high school? Men, please; that’s all I’m sayin’. Luckily, there’s straight porn and anything made by Titan to fill in the gap. Oohlala!
Bonus Question: What is your favorite brand of condom and why?

Whoo! I thought I knew quite a bit about you before! Heh, heh. And you know I don’t play that way so I don’t have a brand to give you. Although I can say that when I worked in a pharmacy in college Trojan was the preferred brand for most of my customers.
Oh my brotherlove! Very interesting - I wonder if I can get down for a Piggy interview. Can’t give you an answer on the condom question, but I’ve always known Durex and Magnum to be good brands.
OH LAWD! Just when I’d forgotten how raw you could get.
Trojan Magnums please…and a dick big enough for a snug fit. OH LAWD!
“Dick like an underwater projectile”
Sexual chocolate! I know that I’m supposed to dig women, and I do. But dang, like one of my former students said to me, “You’re hot!” That interview makes me want to switch over to the other side…to the nonheterosexual guy. Yeah. Whatever. That interview has still got me like Elle, “Oh lawd, oh lawd!” *lol*
Talk ‘bout painting a picture! But that’s all good.
My favorite brand of condom is the one that doesn’t pop under the pressure of nOva’s intense athlethic lovemaking skills…
On that note, the best sex you’ve ever had, hasn’t happened…
Ai - episode ben-ti-DOS!!!!!
I’m partial to those kevlar pup tents you can get at Walmart…
i know i sound just like my mother when i say this, but…the first words that pop into my mind are, “well, my goodness.” *laughing*