Season’s Greetings, Dammit!
Isn’t it too early to feel this way? Why is it almost Halloween, my favorite “holiday”, and I am in a grouchy ass mood? Heaven…by j. brotherlove
Isn’t it too early to feel this way? Why is it almost Halloween, my favorite “holiday”, and I am in a grouchy ass mood? Heaven help any corporate offspring who skip through my cubicle on Friday; it will be frightening.
So far, I’ve no plans for the weekend. Loverboy has a couple of invites he keeps waving at me but they are of the costume-only variety and I do not feel like buying anything for one night. Scratch that I cannot afford to buy anything for one night.
I think I just found the source of my grouchiness. I’ll have to meditate on that; or maybe try some yoga like Lisa. Until then, seeing as it’s almost dark when I leave work and fucking Christmas lights and decorations are already up, I guess I’ll get this out of the way:

That should take care of any holiday cheer for the next 12 months.

Well, I saw Christmas ads running before Columbus Day. Now that’s ridiculous.
i am not accustomed to this grouchy j…. i might have to seek out some OTHERlove!
ok, i’m back…. i’m nothing without you!
I feel you, brotherwub, the holidays suck. Do you know last year I got a candle? That’s it! ONE friend thought about me and all I got was a candle for Christmas. Keep in mind this was a month after I lost my job, so you’d think my “peoples” would be a little more generous. It’s no wonder I want to move… trifelin’ bastids…
hey! don’t you be talkin’ about my long-ass link. *laughing*
i don’t really have a favorite holiday. i like x-mas okay, i guess, but mostly just because i love to give groovy gifts. but this year…*long, heavy sigh*…this year is gonna be weird.
(i think that was the fastest mood switch in a single blog comment, ever.)
Yeah Kevin still loves me!
Don’t worry, Lisa. I’m a Pisces; I specialize in fast mood switches.
okay that picture was really cute…. *still laughing*
im really loving that 4 some skrange reason…..
i gave up halloween a coupla years ago…. and my alltime favorite is my BIRTHDAY [july 16th] in case anyone cares…lol
oh yeah, i like your site…… this is just my first time commentin… im new 2 this bloggin world. [found your place via bgb]
Since we’re all talking about the holidays and gift giving, I happened to come across this Amazon gift list, with some lovely, yet inexpensive presents I know the owner would love to receive.
It’s never too early to give, I always say.
Honey, where is your imagination? Didn’t you know that gay goth is all the rage this Halloween? I bet you could whip up a dark & sinister costume in no time, to say nothing of driving the local Catholic priests wild with lust.
How about the rugrats in this neighborhood started trick-or-treatin’ on fucking YESTERDAY? The woman across the street from me actually has a fucking Halloween tree. Yep, a Christmas tree with damn Halloween decorations on it. I’ve never been much of a holiday person myself, but I’ve always been fond of New Year’s. You know, introspection and all that rot.
Well, now, ya just haven’t experienced Halloween til you been up to Harlem. Packs of kids, some in costume, some just with makeup or masks, but all of ‘em toting bags looking for candy, walking up and down Broadway going in and out of STORES. Yes, stores, commercial businesses, a dry cleaner, drug store, the fish market, Payless, anything, looking for some candy! And indignant when they don’t get it too. Lawd!