Rashunda And Swiss Black Sheep
Racist ad is incendiaryby j. brotherlove
Rashunda, my favorite soul sister in Switzerland, addresses the reluctance of the Swiss public to protest against SVP’s racist campaign poster which promotes deporting crime-committing residents without Swiss citizenship.
The Swiss People’s Party justify the proposed law on the basis that foreigners commit more crimes than the Swiss but the numbers are debatable. If you note similarities between how Swiss and American politics approach race and class issues under the veil of “security” well, there you go.
But the supporting ad is where the Swiss People’s Party cross a line. The poster depicts four sheep over a backdrop of the Swiss flag. Three of the sheep are white; the other is black (the bad sheep) and getting unceremoniously kicked off the flag - and the country. Rashunda argues admirably that the campaign poster is not only racist but incendiary:
As E! stated correctly, quite a few Swiss cannot tell one black person from another. If the SVP’s campaigns make an idiot feel comfortable about smacking a “neger” upside the head, he or she isn’t going to care if they come from Tennessee or Tazmania.
It’s particular frustrating for Rashunda who notes the apathy from larger Swiss society for this issue when “thousands of people left their desks and marched in the streets of Zurich to protest” the US Iraq campaign.
Her entire post is bookmark worthy.

The sheep image in my reader caught my eye before the post did and it appears my suspicion was unfortunately correct.
‘Preciate you turning us on to this article and post by Rashunda. I’ve always wondered (outside of the hot spots like London, Paris, Spain, Tokyo, Hong Kong), how do we fare in other countries?
I’ve always wanted to get down with places like Berlin, Amsterdam, Stockholm, etc — it’s strange that I even have to consider how we are received before I consider touching down in a place.
Exactly Clarence. All around the world, same song.
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