Quotables II
They said it bestby j. brotherlove
Photo by Donald
high school | the excitable bore
being gay is like being in high school forever. so many cliques. so many ways to not fit it. so many rules. so many social gatherings one must attend. gosh, i wasn’t cool then, i can only guess where my rating is now.
Chocolate hanging in the air morning | Zen and the Art of Dreaming
I’m beginning to realize that telling characters in my dream that this is a dream won’t convince them that it is a dream.
everything should be one click | ALLIED
One-click purchasing is the smartest, wisest, coolest, fastest, most-mania-feeding, shoperiffic feature ever invented. fuck checkouts, fuck carts, fuck double checking, fuck second thoughts. just one click. that’s all.
I like that high school quote. There is a certain “in crowd” mentality that still exists in so-called gay communities everywhere. As in high school, I’m not part of that club.
I agree Bernie. As a whole, the gay community allows a narrow window for affirmation. If you’re not 23-28, then you have to possess a combo of superficial traits (face, body, money, influence, etc) or get ignored.
As I mentioned at the excitable bore, when you’re already a part of a subculture, that’s pretty fucked up.