Pride Gets Me Wet
Sky fall down, go boomby j. brotherlove
Firstly, notice that this post only has one P in the title. If you hadn’t noticed, I’m a big fan of alliteration and frankly, you can’t have too much P (^5 Anitra). In fact, some P sub-headers will work nicely for this post.
Part I - Pre Parade
By noon, the dull gray sky made its intentions clear. Like many attendees, I brought my umbrella (although, most people didn’t). The inaugural rain began promptly at 1:00 (step off time). Big, wet drops fell consistently for about 10-15 minutes (typical for Atlanta) as the DJ played "Here Comes The Rain Again". Although annoyed, most of us expected the rain and endured it fine.
Part II - Parade
With the rain out of the way, the parade began. Honestly, the parade has been more interesting to watch in past years. But it was entertaining enough considering, after about 40 minutes, it fucking rained again!
Serious rain that never really stopped. Thunder, screams, wet crepe paper, runny makeup, streaked signs and a bunch of umbrellas marked the scene. But parade participants marched through it all. And we applauded the hell out of them. Troopers!
Part III - Post Parade
After the parade’s speedy ending, Wood, Beau and I walked to the park where we were told "the festival is closed and will not reopen. Please do not enter the park". Well, damn… A bunch of folks entered anyway but I figured there was no real point in doing that. Besides, the novelty of walking around in the rain had worn off.
I trudged through the wetness to my car and battled traffic caused by yet more rain (notice the pattern). At the DIC, I walked in to find that our roof was leaking. Again. A couple of buckets had been place to catch the drips.
Part IV - Post Post Parade
All that walking and rain made me hungry, tired and sleepy. As I was eating my salad, and flipping through TiVo, a heard a loud blam in the gathering room. I knew immediately what it was.
When it rains it pours, I tell ya.