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Playing Catch Up

Okay… I’ve been gone a minute so, I’m trying to catch up on some good blog and journal posts. There’s plenty to choose from: a]…

by j. brotherlove

Okay… I’ve been gone a minute so, I’m trying to catch up on some good blog and journal posts. There’s plenty to choose from:

a] If you ever wanted to know more about how recording artists are pimped (and what’s being done about it), read Rupaul’s reprint of Courtney Love’s plea to her peers.
b] After threatening to do so, last week, Jason has a snappy, new blue design and delivers the truth (as I see it) about “J-Lo”.
c] Anitra wants to know what you consider erotic.
d] George has enough quality content to pack the New York Post and
e] Cecily chronicles the return of the ‘fro.

pub: 05/28/2002 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 0 | subscribe