Patrik-Ian Polk: How To Address HIV/AIDS Without Being Too Preachy
It’s how you say itby j. brotherlove
Writer/Director Patrik-Ian Polk (Noah’s Arc, Punks) addresses how to weave HIV/AIDS issues into storylines without being “too heavy-handed or preachy”:
My task was to find interesting ways to layer in HIV, so that it’s not just about getting sick and dying. It’s about living with it and dating with it, and dealing with the health system and the medical system and all these things.
Perhaps the biggest flaw with Noah’s Arc is how the series addresses way too many things in such a short amount of time. However, I regularly hear people discuss the romance between promiscuous Ricky and Junito, the HIV-positive doctor. Though far from perfect, Polk’s ambitious storylines are some of the best things to happen to the black, gay community.

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