On The Move
Too Deep — Too Hotby j. brotherlove
Okay, so JT gave me the skinny on the LiveJournal craze you kids are all giddy about. Either I am too shallow or too deep—correction: I am not too shallow—but I’m not feeling the hotness. What I am feeling is how LJ has given the blogfam a shot in the writing arm. Whatever gets you going, I say.
Wood helped me organize my travel plans for the weekend. I have limited skills when it comes to arranging my travel. I was born to have a personal assistant, I swear. And an agent. And a manager. And while I’m at it, a driver would be nice. I hate traffic. Speaking of driving, I’ll be headed to Spartanburg, SC and then onto Charlotte NC where apparently all the black, gay men are on the DL—or so I’m told. How very 1999. I’m prepared for culture shock as you can’t go to the grocery store in Atlanta without getting a proposition. Well, y’know… if you’re hot like me, anyway.
Geesh! I am so fucking bored with my job and over this day I could spit nails. Could be because I haven’t had my afternoon ice cream. What’s that all about? Well, having paid off The Boycruiser (car owners raise your hands), I’m broke. Nevertheless, I’ll still be staking my claim at the Sol Fusion Anniversary Party tonight with Anthony David and Res. Girls just wanna have fun, y’know. I’ll be on the early shift for a change (just mention “open bar” and you got me). However, if Ms. Res pulls a diva and comes onstage after midnight well, tell me all about it, tomorrow.
Hmmm… feels good to be making moves, again. Should I reinstate anticipation? I think so.

I’m generally a blog snob. I can’t visit sites with whack design and whatnot so I’d been really anti-lj because it all looks tired and weak. But there’s a sense of privacy to LJ and freedom. I think so much about the quality of my writing on the big blog because I know how many people read it.
on LJ it’s just a conversation between me and my peoples and I can let my hair down so to speak.
and just post to say bullshit without getting caught up in quality.
Res was fashionably late. Not a good move. We couldn’t stay past 1:30.