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On A Personal Note

Catching you up

by j. brotherlove

Last week was so hectic I rewarded myself with a long weekend. Most of my time was spent visiting my folks and then hanging out with "the kids" in Charlotte for their Black Gay Pride.

I didn’t go to many parties. But I got a chance to meet Tron from What’s The T at his Uptown Wind Down party Sunday night. All in all, a good and relaxing time. Two things I didn’t get a chance to mention before I left:

Tim’m West

Tim'm West

We have a new housemate at the DIC! Unlike our last one who was reserved, keeping to himself most of the time, my new one is known around the globe. You may know this talented author, poet, and MC as Tim’m West, currently promoting his new book, Flirting and CD, Blakkboy Blue(s). And if you didn’t know, now you know.


new ITLA Website

After several months of planning and restructuring, In The Life Atlanta (ITLA) relaunched their popular website last week; completely designed and developed by yours truly.

I’m very happy with the results. Take a look and give me your feedback. I’ll be making some tweaks this week. And before you ask, yes it avoids all of those dreaded 6 Design Mistakes Of Gay Websites.

pub: 07/24/2007 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 1 | subscribe
1. Anitra

The ITLA website looks great, my dear! (I also like your work on Together in Love.) Our favorite brotherlove does keep busy.

And wow, Tim’m West is the new DIC man? He’s in good company. :)

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