Now, About This Blogging Thing…
Is the end near?by j. brotherlove
Just as I was contemplating an official blog vacation, I received an email from a high school friend who I haven’t heard from in 10 years. She found me by accident (Googling for Taja Sevelle of all things). I guess there’s still a purpose for this old spot.
Speaking of “old”, Darian celebrates one whole year blogging at Living Out Loud. It seems so much longer than that to me; or does it feel shorter? Anyway… check out his “blogaversary” post for video-fied well wishes.
Now, about this blogging thing…
Has Blogging Run Its Course? | Lynne d Johnson
Now, as I write here more often than I do on my own site, I’m wondering whether blogging is running its course. The things that drove me away from my own site included lack of time, lack of communication with my readers, and the overwhelming amount of new blogs on the scene. Not that there were too many blogs, it’s just that too many of them aren’t any good. What I mean by that is well, often they’re not well written and quite the lot of them are SEO hoes disguised as gossip sites. How many wire images do I have to look at?
The case for once-a-week blogging | Tom Mangan
Think of how much less data smog we’d have if we all made up our minds to post no more than once a week. And how much free time we’d have to think up original things to write about. And free time to do things besides blogging.
Is Blogging Dead | David Maister
The simple fact is that creating an interesting blog that entices people to want to come back and enter into conversations with you is a slow, time-intensive and hard process. It’s no less hard work than writing a book, a series of well thought out articles, or (to switch analogies) building a network of close friends who want to have a committed relationship with you.
If you are looking for instant gratification (and many, many people are) then the fad of blogging is going to fade quickly.
Ghosts of blogging haunt net cemetery |
The extraordinary failure rate of online diaries and claims that interest in blogging will soon begin a precipitous slide are sparking an intriguing debate about the future of self-expression on the internet and whether blogs, once seen as revolutionary, are destined to become a footnote in the history of computing.
Why blogging as we know it is over | dog or higher
Not for a moment do I think that in the future there will be no blogs. But one aspect of traditional and contemporary blogging which I am going to predict will not be so nearly strong a pattern in “the blogosphere” in coming years is people reading blog posts based on the poster. In effect, people will be much less likely to subscribe to and read particular blogs.
See Also:
- blog statistics and demographics | Calson Analytics
Don’t you dare stop. I have you on my short-ish blogroll and am too lazy to have to update it… Ignore the stats you quote above (nothing applies to you, your blog), post weekly (my style because I, too, have a life) or as time and the muse permit or invite, and know that your voice is special and listened to. Examples: I often tell friends what I learned about the Caribbean hostility to LGBT folk (and allies) and your mom’s genuine love and concern expressed as encouragement to find/have a “friend.”
No, you will not take away these lessons, warmth, sometimes rage, from me.
Now go read my current post, which I could never have shared this way had I not gained insight and courage from the wonderful bloggers I have met virtually or in person.
If you need a rest, I can understand it. You OLD PEOPLE need your naps (“no spring chicken” indeed).
I think those of us who have blogged for years will reshape our blogs if we are to continue. Those that are carbon copies of each other will fall by the wayside. People with their own perspective on the world will always want to write.
Thanks for your support, Tamar. Writing is in my blood and there is little chance I will stop doing it in some format online.
That said, I agree with Bernie’s great point. It’s time for me to switch up the game a bit.
Ditto what Tamar said.
For me, that once a week thing does come across as attractive at this moment. Whatever you decide for yourself, you know I will always support you.
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