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Noah’s Arc Movie Is On Its Way

Sure, it took a year but…

by j. brotherlove


Update: Read my Film Review: Noah’s Arc: Jumping the Broom

Up to now Logo has been frustratingly tight-lipped about the updates. However they recently announced on AfterElton that it’s official: The Noah’s Arc movie is on its way.

The film’s working title is Noah’s Arc: Jumping the Broom (I guess a shark was too dangerous?) and we’re told it is a wedding-themed film (they won’t tell us whose wedding…) that will pick up where the series left off at the cliffhanger season finale. Production begins in March and newly-out lead Darryl Stephens (Noah), Doug Spearman (Chance), Rodney Chester (Alex) and Christian Vincent (Ricky) are set to return, with other casting to be announced soon.

That’s right. There’s still no confirmation whether or not heartthrob Jensen Atwood is signed on or whether his character Wade will miss the boat. Maybe that’s a part of the suspense? Series creator Patrik-Ian Polk and Darryl Stephens seem to enjoy teasing fans on AfterElton.

It’s crazy the amount of traffic I get related to Noah’s Arc. So I thought this update would be appropriate since, after learning there would be no Season 3 for Noah’s Arc, we’ve spent considerable virtual ink deciphering the Noah’s Arc deal as it relates to bringing it to theaters as a movie.

It’s going to be a challenge for Polk to wrap up all the loose ends into nice little packages inside of 90-plus minutes. Then again, the television series has always raced at breakneck speed so perhaps not. It’s also a shame we’ve had to wait an entire year to get a “greenlight” on the film. However, beggars can’t be choosers.

In the meantime, be sure to check out The DL Chronicles, recently released on DVD. The acting, storylines and production are exceptional especially, when you consider the subject is black gay men and their sexuality. Trust me, the series is more diverse and affirming than the title suggests (well, after the first episode).

I recently moderated a panel on the series hosted by fellow blogger and Clik columnist Darian Aaron. The event was packed and resulting conversation engaging. Finally, black gay men are making strides on the screen.

Update: Noah’s Arc Movie Opens October 24

pub: 02/17/2008 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 12 | subscribe
1. Jeff

You know j, not to be catty, but does it even matter anymore? After the way it was dumped by Logo, while being the highest rated show mind you, is it really even viable across the country? Or will it be straight to dvd?

I understand how you feel, Jeff and wish I knew the answers to your questions. I can’t get a handle on how Logo in handling Noah’s Arc.

However, judging from the daily traffic and comments I get about the show, there is still a market for the series. Whether or not there’s enough of an audience to sustain a theatrical release, who knows?

A made-for-tv miniseries seems to make more sense to me.

3. kim

I think its great that they are doing a movie. Maybe this will open up other avenues for Noah’s arc to continue as a tv series. I just wonder why there is no word on if Jensen Atwood will play Wade? I mean whats up with that? Obviously he wants to be apart of the project he hinted that in most of his recent interviews. I just think it would be wack if he is replaced.

4. khill

o.m.g i cant wait this sounds like it is goigto b off thehook but still i am well disapointed that noa arc is or might be gone for ever

while the show never seemed finished to me (each damn episode was so disjointed from the last!) i missed it terribly once all i had was re-runs. it may have been flawed, but it was all we had. we should definitely represent at the theaters so that Hollywood knows we’re real and want our piece of the pie too.

6. Byron

I am a big fan of the show. I hate to see the show come to an end. If there is any way the show can go on I pray that it happpens. As far as the theatre, I think that it will be as much as a success as “Broke Back Mountain”

7. Matt

It is a shame what networds do to popular ethnic shows. The Hughleys, My Wife and Kids, and even with The George Lopez show. Each some of the highest rated at the time they were on. There is obviously a market. In regards to the Arc movie I can not wait, and hope it is funny and entertaining like the show. I must agree with Kim as well on Jensen. It wouldn’t be a movie without Wade. I think a lot of people will be mad if he is not included.

8. sade

They have a sneakpeak of the movie on the web just go to, and it’s also been confirmed that Jensen Atwood (Wade) will be in the movie.

9. denise

I agree, I think everybody that was in the first and second series from the begining should be in it till the ending I love the relationship that Noah and Wade had on the screen it would be awful not to have Jensen Atwood not in the movie. Since the second season end with Wade being through out the car. After the love seen was so hot the can’t end it like that .

10. Gabriel

Responding to Jeff… er yes it does matter. I’m a white guy from the UK (so god knows when we get to see the movie) and I loved the show. Having leading gay black characters, for me, has a knock-on effect in that it challenges the stereotypes that render us all invisible. At the same time. . I just liked the characters and simply related to shared values. But I agree, quite what Logo are playing at, Lord knows. It seems to want to have it’s cake, ice it, eat it, and cancel the order before its made. So I wait with baited breath until we get to see it across the Pond (which will no doubt be on DVD). Hey ho!

man this show is the bom man yall need to go for season 3 man cause it will hit high shy gay power rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12. Terri

I LOVE the show. I had a Noah Arc party and we watched the DVD ( with straight friends) and had a Blast. I hope the movie will come out on the 24th, because I’m ready to take off work and head to the Movies :-) Thank you for showing Black Men in a Positive Light. Our sexuality is just a small part of who we are, we Love Just like everyone else…